An exert from In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson.
"Almost like a hard drive with a computer virus, our minds have infected files. Irrational fears and misconceptions keep us from operating the way we were designed to. And if those fears and misconceptions aren't installed, they undermine everything we do.
Half of learning is learning. The other half of learing is unlearning. Unfortunately, unlearning is twice as hard as learning. It's like missing your exit on the freeway. You have to drive to the next exit and then double back. Every mile you go in the wrong direction is really a two-mile error. Unlearning is twice as hard, and it often takes twice as long. It is harder to get old thoughts out of you rmind than it is to get new thoughts into your mind.
That is the challenge Jesus faced, isn't it?
If you study the teachings of Christ, you'll realize that learning wasn't His primary goal. His primary goal was unlearning. He was reverse engineering religious minds. And those can be the toughest minds to change. That is why two phrases are repearted over andover again in the Sermon on the Mount.
'You have heard that is was said...'
'But I tell you...'
What was Jesus saying and doing? He was uninstalling Old Testament concepts and upgrading then with New Testament truths.
'You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the cheek, turn to him the other also.' Matthew 5:38-39
...Half of spiritual growth is learning what we don't know. The other half is unlearning what we do know. And it is the failure to unlearn irrational fears and misconceptions that keep us from becoming who God wants us to be."
I related this to my fears of labor. I had a lot of fear tied up in pain and the unknown. It took me while to even recognize the fear that I was holding on to. But once I did, God was able to reprogram my mind to trust Him and depend upon His understanding.
I also find this true in my spiritual walk as well. There were many concepts and 'rules' that I had to unlearn. Being a christian is really simple. Love God with all your heart and love others the same. But sometimes we over complicate things, because of our humanity. We make up "rules", because it makes us feel secure. When we should be finding our security in Christ and not "laws".
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