Mayim Bialik is an actress who has made some not-normal-to-society choices in her and her family's life. She has really inspired me to try new things and not just buy something, because Target said it was the number one toy for infants. There is a link to her blog on The Today Show here if you want to learn more about her: here. I don't agree with all of her opinions. But her opinions aren't why I love her. I love her, because she isn't afraid to be different. And she has taken such a leading role in helping others get information that wasn't out there a year or two ago.
People always think that Noah and I are weird, because of the choices we have made in our lives including our choices with our baby. We are OK with this. I've never expected people to agree with us or understand completely. And I shouldn't.
We plan on having a home birth with a midwife without any medical intervention, whatsoever. We are going to home school our kids. I am going to breastfeed our babies. We are going to use cloth diapers (I can feel some of your cringing at this one). We choose not to have health insurance (unless the Lord changes our mind, which is OK). We plan to not take prescription medicine. We treat most ailments holistically. We eat as raw and organic as we can. We plan to not vaccinate our children. We make a conscious effort to not base our life or decisions off of other people or fear, but on God's convictions and guidance on our life. I think most of you would agree with us on the last one.
I'm not saying that what we are doing is the best thing or that you are wrong. This is just what we believe is the best way for us to live. It's as simple as that! I'm not going to push my beliefs on other people when it comes to our life choices. I truly believe most people really do what they think is best for their children and themselves. And while I don't want them judging me, I need to respect their decisions and be supportive as well.
We don't do these things just to be "different" or because its becoming "popular", like some have labeled our actions. We research everything for ourselves, pray thoroughly, and do what we think is right for us. And we are always open to God changing our minds. We try to be teachable in this way.
But, I do thoroughly believe that our American society has degraded in it's beliefs. I, personally, think we depend too much on doctors and drugs to fix us. God has opened my eyes in the past few years to ways of keeping us healthy with what He gave us on this Earth. Don't get me wrong though, if I have a migraine or a really bad headache, I'm going take some Midol. We aren't completely against medicine.
I just think everything should be done with an educated decision and in moderation, not because someone else told me to. Sometimes when I make decisions, if I'm really honest with myself and search my heart I'm making a decision based on someone else's feelings or expectations of me. And I don't want to live my life that way, because then I'm not really living my life. I'm just letting lions chase me.
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