"It's almost as if God forms a parenthesis in time and a parenthesis in space around us. He is hovering all around you all the time.
Let me try to put it in scientific terms. The shortest possible time is 10^ (-43) seconds. It is called Planck time. Any shorter and quantum mechanics can't tell whether events are simultaneous. The shortest possible distance is 1.6 x 10^ (-35) meters. It's called Planck length. Any shorter and quantum mechanics can't distinguish between here and there.
And that's where God comes in. He's in the space and the time that, according to quantum mechanics, doesn't exist.
To infinite human beings, time and space seem infinite, but that is because we're on the inside looking out. God is on the outside looking in. Time and space are a finite part of His creation. That's why 'a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.' God is all around us all the time. He is right before, right after, right ahead, and right behind. God has no dimensional limitations, and if we could wrap our minds around that truth, it would transform our outlook on life."
I still don't understand how most scientist don't believe in God. When I studied at Texas State (and even now when I think about it all) it only confirms my convictions about God and His superiority. I don't understand how everything in our bodies can work so perfectly (most of the time without our conscious even being aware) and people still believe that it was just all evolution. Not that I am saying evolution doesn't exist. I know I'm not descended from an ape, but I believe that God orchestrated evolution for His own purposes.
It's funny how us humans try over and over to disprove God with 'our' science, when in fact we are just proving God more and more. Who do we think created all this after all? Random chance....now that sounds far fetched to me.
Hope you all have a Happy Easter!!
Love it....Blessings!!