
Saturday, December 4, 2010

16 Weeks

We are 16 weeks pregnant now.  So, I thought I would put up some fun facts about what the baby should be up to.  Oh, plus we got a heartbeat this past Tuesday, so that was really cool!  Janet, our midwife, said that everytime she tried to get a a heartbeat with the FetalScope that the baby moved, like the baby didn't want her to mess with Janet, predicted it was going to be a girl, because this baby has attitude....anyway....

1.  baby should be 4.5 inches long (about the length of mascara)
2.  weight 3 ounces
3.  baby's heart is pumping about the 25 quarts of blood a day
4.  fine hair is starting to grow at the top of head
5.  baby has grown strong enough to hold it's head up a little straighter
6.  starting to have facial expressions like squinting, yawning, and grimacing

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