Growing up, I recall going through a small Barbie phase. And I did have some image issues in High School. Whether or not the two are related I really don't know. But I think there is something to say about not buying or allowing your girls to watch too much Disney Princess or shows that just focus on materialistic things. It can be argued that the Disney Princesses have good qualities to them and go against the grain of their "world". But I also think that anyone half-dressed with only seashells to cover their boobs is probably going to get anything they want in any world. And is that the message we want to give our daughters and neices?
A group of girls going to a Cinderella movie.
I watched all the Disney movies growing up. And I turned out good; this is true! But I also went through different phases to get there. I did a lot of things for attention when I was a young adult that I am definently not proud of. But through all that, I learned in Christ what it really ment to be beautiful and also what it meant to be a Women. I also believe that only though Christ's eyes can we truely see how amazing we are as women and just how precious we are in His sight.
In my bible study, the girls and I have decided to read a book called "Lies Young Women Believe and the Truth that Sets them Free." It discusses issues like this topic on things we expected as Truth and Good, but are really not good and just lies fed to us by the devil. It will be a really interesting semester and I look forward to the growth we all will share.
My husband and I are expecting in May and we may have a daughter. I will then have to decide how much is too much and do I really want my daughter to be a "Disney Princess"? The answer is no! She will always be a princess in her Daddy and God Daddy's eyes. But I also want her to know that her power comes from God and integrity, not what boys think of her or the clothes she wears. I want her to know that she has more options than pink. Not that I will stop her from buying pink. I just want her to make informed and wise decisions and not decisions based on what the media and lies tell her she should be.
Here is a link to the radio program I listened to on The Diane Rehm Show that sparked this blog post: